4 July, 2019
Parenting Talk: Nurturing Kindness and Cleanliness at Home


Parents play an important role in nurturing values of kindness, graciousness and empathy in children.

In 2019, we will be organising parenting talks on the importance of kindness in shaping the personalities and attitudes of children and share how parental involvement has significant effect on a child’s educational achievement and social and emotional development.

Through the 1-hour talk, we hope to equip parents with tips on reinforcing positive values of kindness, graciousness and empathy in their pre-schoolers and/or primary school going children.

If you are running a pre-school looking for parenting programmes this Semester, or a HR manager looking for lunch time talks for your employees, consider supporting our movement to create a kinder and cleaner Singapore through your school or company.

To register or enquire, please contact Ms. Si Ning at DID 6761 9127 or email wong_sining@kindness.sg the following details:

– Name of school:

– Address of school:

– Preferred date and time of talk:

– Teacher in charge:

– Teacher in charge HP:

– No. of parents attending the talk*:

*Cost: No charge.

*Fees of $300 per school applies if fewer than 5 working days’ notice is given for cancellation, or if fewer than 30 parents attend the talk.

*For Corporate talks, fees of $300 per company applies if fewer than 5 working days’ notice is given for cancellation, or if fewer than 20 parents attend the talk.


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For any enquiries, contact us through the form and our friendly staff
will get in touch with you shortly!

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