Join Singa and his friends as they learn new lessons about kindness and graciousness from each other with each new day
Read more about the adventures of Singa and and the Kindness Cubbies as they learn more about kindness from each other.
Every kind act makes a difference in someone's life. Remember, A Kinder You, A Stronger Us!
Join Singa and his friends this Kindness Day as they share ideas on how kind acts can make someone's day!
Have fun in a safe way so you won't spread viruses to others!
Together we keep Singapore strong!
Let's create fun memories this holiday!
How can you show everyday kindness during the holidays?
Together with your family, offer to do a kind act for a neighbour!
How can you show care and concern to the people around you?
8 April is International Friendship Day. How will you celebrate it?
Express your thanks when someone is kind to you.
Personalize your experience with your own profile.